Wednesday, April 20, 2011

An Introduction


I should probably be finishing my homework right now, but I decided to start this blog instead. I’m not naturally good at many things. Honestly, MvC2 and MvC3 might be one of the few things I have some natural talent in. I know a ton of people who want to get better, but have no clue. I have a Dazzle video capture device that I bought for Smash, but I never play anymore. So I decided to make this blog to tell people how not to suck. I’m going to start this blog by telling who I am and what team I use.


That’s me and my awesome stick. I’m graduating college in like 25 days and going back to grad school. I usually hang out with people and do school work. When I have free time, no homework, and no one to hang out with I play Marvel. I do pretty decent in tournaments, but have a huge tendency to choke in clutch situations. I got top 13 in my first 2D fighting game tournament regional and placed top 5 in most locals I go to. I traveled to Final Round 14 and got bodied due to a combination of nerves and a lack of sleep. I did take a game off Marn though :D.


Zero is my favorite video game character. I’ll play him regardless of his tier and how bad he is. Luckily, his solid rush down and versatility make him an incredible character. His command dash and ability to set up for crazy mix ups make him a dangerous character. His normals also have incredible range and priority.  His low HP and the inability to do massive damage with simple combos hurt him. While he is not Wesker or Ammy good, he is still a pretty solid character.

Sentinel is my favorite fighting game character hands down (Lambda 11 is a close second.) He can zone, he hits like a truck, and he has one of the best assists in the game. When he activates level 3 X-Factor he gets a new name… God. With the recent health nerf you have to be a lot more careful when calling out assists and  he is much more vulnerable to instant overheads. This character is so good people will call you a Sentinel scrub if you use him. When this happens I just tell them to hail their new robot overlord. Overall, he is a huge robot, does lots of damage, looks cool, and has one of the best assists in the game.

Felicia is one of my favorite characters story / personanlity wise. Honestly, it doesn’t get much more awesome then a cat that stars in Broadway shows, and is a nun. The main reason I use her is for her low hitting assist. It creates unblockables for Zero and Sentinel and is easily one of the most annoying assists in the game. Also, she makes for a solid anchor. When she activates X-Factor Level 3 she gets an infinite, she has jabs faster than Dark Phoenix, and can create unlimited block pressure. Combine that with the unblockable setups from calling a Kitty Helper and you have a pretty cheap and annoying anchor. The cheapest thing ever is to call a kitty helper and force a new character in the corner right after a character kill.


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